Ford v Ferrari Races To The Top- Weekend Box Office November 15-17, 2019

Ford v Ferrari Races To The Top- Weekend Box Office November 15-17, 2019

Charlie's Angels stalls out.

Ford v Ferrari took a page from its own story and finished at the top of the box office. The $97 million movie was bolstered by great reviews and audience scores to take in $31 million easily topping the rest of the competition. Worldwide it grossed $53.8 million showing that you don't always need explosions and comics to open at the top.

Charlie's Angels was a reboot no one asked for and it showed with $8.6 million. Elizabeth Banks may want to blame certain things for its failures, but the fact is that it was a movie that no one wanted and the studio did not market well. 

There were two holdovers from last week that held strong. Playing with Fire brought in $8.5 million and Last Christmas grossed $6.7 million. Both have smaller budgets and their second week takes are great news.

Doctor Sleep dropped to sixth with $6.1 million continuing its dismal run.

Joker became the first R-rated movie to make $1 billion at the box office as awards season gears up.

Next week will be a huge jump with Frozen II and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. 

1. Ford v Ferrari- $31.0/ $31.0

2. Midway- $8.7/ $35.1

3.Charlie's Angels- $8.6/ $8.6

4. Playing with Fire- $8.5/ $25.4

5. Last Christmas- $6.7/ $22.5

6. Doctor Sleep- $6.1/ $25.0

7. The Good Liar- $5.6/ $5.6

8. Joker- $5.6/ $322.5

9. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- $5.2/ $106.0

10. Harriet- $4.7/ $31.8