Fan CastingLEGO Star Wars: Revenge of the Cringe
MemeCU Phase 4
by The Internet
Story added by thehumanparke on September 9, 2022
(canon or not) FINALY, OBEY ONE KONIBI TEMS UP WIT LUK TO DESTRY FAN FICTION AND DeStRoY SUS FANFICS WITH- Wait a minute is that- AH HECK NAH H AHEEEEHEUHHHH ah heck nah, is that jabba and luke fanfiction? OBEY ONE WILL DESTROY FAN FICTION WITH GOSHAGER, AnD GOSH. Change the casting image or else palpatine will put luke skywalker pr0n on your computer and its disgusting unless your a sicko then change the casting image or darth vader will kill youread more
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