Fan Casting Santiago Toro as Pablo "Pablete" Kaulen in El Camionero (Colombia)

piachannel made this fan casting suggestion on December 27, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Santiago Toro as Pablo Pablete Kaulen in El Camionero (Colombia)

Santiago ToroColombia

25 years old
Santiago Toro was born on April 30, 1999 in Cali Colombia, the eldest of two children. He is best known for starring in "Falling Petals", "Blood Bonds", "Connecting" and others, as well as being pa...
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El Camionero (Colombia)

El Camionero (Colombia)

Vuelve el hombre
by Vicente Sabatini Downey
La vida de Antonio experimenta una transformación radical al recibir una carta que revela la existencia de una hija que fue dada en adopción sin que él lo supiera. Este inesperado descubrimiento lo...
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0 comments on Santiago Toro as Pablo Pablete Kaulen in El Camionero (Colombia)

Santiago Toro has been suggested by fans for 3 roles on myCast, including Claudio Chávez in Matriarcas (México). Similar actors include Luis Giraldo, Agustín Bernasconi, and Luis de la Rosa. Santiago Toro was suggested to play Pablo "Pablete" Kaulen in El Camionero (Colombia) by piachannel. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Luis Giraldo and Juan Felipe Restrepo. El Camionero (Colombia) has 17 roles, including Denise Cienfuegos, Vilma Flores Castillo, and Emeterio Pérez.

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