The Terminator Comes To Mortal Kombat 11 In New Gameplay Trailer

The Terminator Comes To Mortal Kombat 11 In New Gameplay Trailer

Sadly Edward Furlong is not riding on his back like Ferra/Torr.

Mortal Kombatt 11 will have some Skynet influnece soon as The Terminator will be available as a fighter on October 8th for players with the Season Pass. 

The new trailer shows off the arsenal Arnold's T-800 will come equipped with including his handy shotgun and various assault weapons. He also sports a teleport using the time dispersal method from the movies. One nice feature appears to be when he is set of fire the Arnold skin burns away to only show the endoskeleton and he becomes impervious to certain attacks. His fatality is as out there as you would expect. 

The crew at Mortal Kombat always takes care of the special fighters added to the game and it looks to be no different this time. 

Between this and the Linda Hamilton character in Gears 5 the promotion train for Terminator: Dark Fate is kicking into high gear.