Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Brings Diana Into the Decade Of Decadence

Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Brings Diana Into the Decade Of Decadence

Lasso the lightning.

Wonder Woman is back and like everything in pop culture, so is the 1980's. Also Steve Trevor is back, but that is another thing. Patty Jenkins follow-up to the 2017 movie sees Diana in 1984 taking on Maxwell Lord played by Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig appears as a pre-Cheetah Barbara Minerva. 

The look and soundtrack is what you expect including a great use of New Order's Blue Monday. The sequel looks to take an entirely different turn form the original World War 1 setting and should hit the mark with fans since the 80's are back and if you grew up in the 80's (like me) it is a good thing.

Wonder Woman 1984 releases June 5, 2020.