First Black Widow Trailer Shows What Happened To Hopper

First Black Widow Trailer Shows What Happened To Hopper

In Russia family feuds you.

Black Widow's story may have finished with Avengers: Endgame, but her past is very much a mystery and that is what Marvel looks to explore with 2020's Black Widow. The movie starring Scarlett Johansson (obviously) takes place between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. 

Natasha must face the remnants of her past with her comrades including Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz and a very Russian David Harbour who plays Red Guardian. Black Widow and Red Guardian were married in the comics thought it is not known if that will play into the story in the movie. 

There are some wondering if we needed a standalone Black Widow film, but the trailer is fast, fun and full of Marvel action so what is not to like?

Black Widow releases May 1, 2020.